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Internship referral wanted

[其它讨论] Internship referral wanted

<DIV>Guess it is quite hard for us student graduating this year to locate a proper fulltime job offer with key firms overseas or in mainland China. Actually I am still wandering, I just spotted this internship opportunity with&nbsp;Eliteexchange.org, referred by a hot post at <A href="http://bbs.yingjiesheng.com/thread-173566-1-1.html"><FONT color=#0000ff>yingjiesheng.com</FONT></A> (<A href="http://bbs.yingjiesheng.com/thread-173566-1-1.html"><FONT color=#0000ff>http://bbs.yingjiesheng.com/thread-173566-1-1.html</FONT></A>) </DIV>
<DIV>Did an overall check and found there are just a few positions openning this season. Just wondering if anyone has participated in the opportunity before and possibly give me some referral to their key personnel, or any idea is much appreciated? It seems a bit tough to get in anyway.</DIV>
<DIV>Cheers in advance,</DIV>