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[UK愤青] 纽卡斯尔大学驱逐了49名中国学生

<P><IMG hspace=5 src="http://media.powerapple.com/uploadimages/1226487918_2529.jpg" vspace=10><BR><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 18px; LINE-HEIGHT: normal; FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-VARIANT: normal"><B>Forged document students expelled <BR>Almost 50 students have been thrown out of the university </B><BR><BR>Dozens of foreign students have been told to leave Newcastle University after the certificates they used to gain entry were found to be forged. <BR><BR>Most of the 49 Chinese students, along with one Taiwanese pupil, had enrolled on business studies courses which they started in September. <BR><BR>But lecturers became suspicious when they were unable to keep up with work. <BR><BR>Their applications were rechecked and forged English language and degree certificates were discovered. <BR><BR>The forgeries, mainly certificates for English language qualifications or degrees awarded by other universities, were of such high quality that they had not been detected by the usual checks. <BR><BR>“We would strongly advise other universities to look very carefully at the systems they have in place to detect fraudulent applications” <BR><BR><BR>Newcastle University <BR><BR>They have all been handed to the police and the Home Office has also been informed. <BR><BR>Newcastle University said many of the students appeared to be victims of bogus agents based either in China or the UK and who were paid to submit applications, including supporting documents, on their behalf. <BR><BR>However, it was necessary to exclude them to protect the interests of hundreds of properly qualified students, and the reputation of the university. <BR><BR>A number of changes to admissions procedures will now be made, including publishing a list of approved agents on the university's website. <BR><BR>A University spokesman: "We would strongly advise other universities to look very carefully at the systems they have in place to detect fraudulent applications and to strengthen them if necessary. <BR><BR>"At Newcastle we have a team of people who are experienced at assessing applications, though we recognise that fraud can be very difficult to identify regardless of the systems in place. <BR><BR>"The nature of fraud changes over time so we are alert to the possibility of new avenues, and adjust our procedures accordingly." <BR></SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 18px; LINE-HEIGHT: normal; FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-VARIANT: normal"></SPAN>&nbsp;</P>
<P><SPAN style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 18px; LINE-HEIGHT: normal; FONT-STYLE: normal; FONT-VARIANT: normal"><A href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/tyne/7722943.stm">http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/tyne/7722943.stm</A></P></SPAN>
<P class=storytext>不久前,警方在调查今年早些之后被杀害的纽卡斯尔大学留学生杨振兴一案时发现,他在申请该校时也涉嫌提供伪造材料。不过,沃里克表示,这件事情虽然“相关”,但并非是他们此次发现大批中国学生造假的直接原因。 </P>
<P class=storytext>近年来,到英国的中国留学生与日俱增,为英国大学带来丰厚利润,中国也成为英国最大的海外留学生市场之一。那么,这是否意味着日益商业化的英国大学教育放松了入学把关的大门,导致虚假申请增多呢?</P>
<P class=storytext>沃里克对BBC中国网说:“我不这么认为。以纽卡斯尔大学为例,我们给每一学科设置了海外招生的比例上限,比如10%至15%,这样可以平衡学生组成,也不至于给师资带来压力。我们不会因为海外学生带来的好处就放松入学标准。”</P>
<P class=storytext>那么,对于这些被辞退的学生,他们会面临怎样的前景呢?</P>
<P class=storytext>沃里克说:“被辞退的学生的签证已无效,他们很多人将不得不返回中国。这很遗憾,我知道他们有些人是受到虚假中介的欺骗。”</P>
<P class=storytext>“还有些人已经获得其它英国院校的录取,这些学校的入学要求相对来说比我们学校要低,但还是有很多人因为签证的原因不得不回国。”</P>

[ 本帖最后由 sam 于 2008-11-12 17:19 编辑 ]
原帖由 <I>avrillulu</I> 于 2008-11-12 19:00 发表 <A href="http://www.cnmanchester.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&amp;pid=58489&amp;ptid=8019" target=_blank><IMG alt="" src="http://www.cnmanchester.com/images/common/back.gif" border=0></A> &nbsp; OMG!我有同學在那裏..... 最新的新聞嗎?~&nbsp; 我都聯繫不到他了~~&nbsp;
<P>有可能“双规”了&nbsp; (规定的时间内离开学校,规定的时间内离开英国) </P>