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[最近的活动]end of term pizza nite

[最近的活动]end of term pizza nite

Weston Hall Common Room

To celebrate the end of term we've decided to hold another PIZZA NIGHT!! We will be ordering Domino's Pizza again and putting a movie on, and drinking games afterwards!

Date: 14 March (Friday)
Time: 7pm til late
Place: Weston Hall Common Room
Cost: 10pounds per person, includes UNLIMITED PIZZA AND ALCOHOL!!!!

Choice of movie:
1) Ratatouille
2) Jumper
3) American Pie I
4) 長江7號
5) 功夫灌籃

Please let us know your preference by writing on the wall!

Thanks! Hope to see you guys there!!

Contact: Ivan - 07515102014

曼大chinese society搞的活动,庆祝学期结束,每人10磅,先是会有无限量的pizza,大家吃pizza看电影(电影选项如上), 吃饱看完之后就玩游戏喝酒
平生最恨三种人: 1. 种族歧视者 2. 黑人 3. 自相矛盾的 4.不会数数的  
msn:  zsammy163@hotmail.com
提醒一下,个人觉得chi so那帮人都不是很好玩的...
平生最恨三种人: 1. 种族歧视者 2. 黑人 3. 自相矛盾的 4.不会数数的  
msn:  zsammy163@hotmail.com