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关于New Hall

I am quite interested in "New Hall" from latest Accomodation brochure, but it says "New Hall" will open until this September,
8 D7 Z# j# N/ B6 R0 p, N& S6 n, g) U. {( s0 b# I
anybody in this forum know "New Hall" well?! g: T  w' \4 E0 H) h) ^3 J# {
: T, `6 m, @5 M, J4 ?
my Msc program is in school of Meachnical, Aerospace and civil engineer, do you have some recommodation for me?+ i7 p  @( r3 ^0 C- e- ~

, S+ R; {9 B' q Thanks a lot


一开始在不知情,只看图片的情形下,选择了ASHBURNE, 后来没有收到学校回复,以为学校没有搭理我,现在突然收到ASHBURNE的合同,想请问这里如何呀?
1 ~, U' w' o* s  Q" p
6 M- Q, j. w: d5 X1 i& `我的MASTER课程是在school of mechanical areospace and civil engineering,想请问上学方便吗? 还有周围环境和宿舍条件如何呀?
1 [+ i/ s+ c1 {2 ~
8 b0 s4 ~$ `# g2 P/ j1 u对了,我合同还没有仔细看,待会再研究一下。0 V& {$ m! J5 T1 Y+ D

  O' r% R4 Y) A. }想请问大家一旦答应了学校的合同,以后是不是不太容易改变了呢,万一住的不喜欢的话呢?
4 u  k& u5 M( X# H6 W1 D
* V' {8 o6 S# O# Q, R# L谢谢!