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我知道这个问题很狗血……$ O7 a, i: C% [# a2 U1 P! X$ X' q3 {

# L! Y& X+ A3 {但是我真的没找到曼大邮箱的登录处……- z! T8 F# o. S! N1 M8 c

3 N3 ~" p) K; D8 b" Y0 M) J  q2 Y1 m9 T
1 q' ?% h1 N( H  Q: B. N1 h* J$ ?: h5 d9 c: b
我是CS的,上面说学院有自己的邮箱系统??但是输用户名和密码都说我的错误,我纠结……  A3 n, H! D. |8 `5 y$ K& t
Ash玥 发表于 2009-9-8 14:19
+ E9 d% A1 u) ?. T3 {3 v- Z
8 `0 B1 N1 |9 _8 y5 \* b既然不是MBS
+ G) _- ]9 m9 d3 |. y; |
& t" d" B# V. m  K4 r. t可以通过设置绑定你的学校邮箱到你的windows live mail (原理跟outlook一样)
& s, B, P$ L* q5 t这样每次打开windows live mail就会自动收发学校邮件...
; ^' s4 M0 e% r2 o
, c# g2 w5 f; _2 d. p3 {0 fIMAP server
/ ?  F0 w( h  b) w& U) a6 O9 w) T- Z. S  s4 M- N
IMAP: email.manchester.ac.uk
" [: Z6 Z0 }, r& `8 K$ B, m, VSMPT: outgoing.manchester.ac.uk) h6 T& Q! @  W

' c7 v& V! ?1 b. O" e3 eusername: mbcxxxxx (your central account)+ u3 a+ }* F) X7 R8 g5 i, z: m
password: xxxxxxxx
: K" v8 A# S. O7 j9 B
) Z+ z4 y% O$ ~现在的问题是,它认为是incorrect username or password,连个改密码的地方都没有……2 t/ v  K& |7 F
Ash玥 发表于 2009-9-9 12:16
  x, j, G( E* A* h( Y7 I
- e1 O0 o7 g) p' O# l0 Q6 l
本帖最后由 PHU 于 2009-9-9 14:10 编辑 1 u% x5 z( B  G7 c% e% t% P; k3 P

' v& r6 N1 _7 ^
1 N# G! c# s0 D) V- G1 l0 c

: o2 H/ _9 N4 z  G+ D是IT ACCOUNT?我还以为CS的不归他们管……
$ U0 y: `9 Y' B6 }( |* g& \
! z7 C0 Y1 Z4 D  C! r) N谢谢5 F. ~" c$ d( G8 X
Ash玥 发表于 2009-9-9 12:35
1 i* m) a+ b- Y- N7 e

$ ]# Q6 A9 I! D# }sorry 我上面说的是对于普通的学校email账号(MBS/CS除外)登陆以及重设" ]  n1 M3 b( q$ A* x, |6 E; d
对于CS学生 请看下面
, F$ b& ?: }9 L1 r+ K
2 z) f9 d5 ?& y1 `0 K! a1 \Email:  ?: U; l( c2 S. O3 @% J- z6 K
As a student in the School of Computer Science you will be given your own email address, this will be <username>@cs.man.ac.uk, where <username> is your Computer Science username given above (i.e. smitha9@cs.man.ac.uk).
2 f- ~& d% }5 N$ D4 ]
  B: G7 Z& S$ J- F' hYou can access your email via the School webmail service, using your CS username/password.
0 B" Z* c% ?0 E+ A  E+ S4 _' P* B# v+ O' U1 R
Computer Science Username & Password:
# i- B) b. C! @! XThe School of Computer Science operates its own computer networks that are distinct from the University (IT services) accounts; consequently we issue our own usernames.  G; G8 i7 @- Z: D
0 y  z7 j7 Y( d+ R& ^1 p: Q  ~) L
You can determine your username and password as follows:7 V+ q* L) y4 W6 \: q) t% f

  f1 E5 v- L/ \. y* _5 l( ?! {* O" M; y8 [+ P
  • Your username is 'usually' the 1st 6 letters of your surname followed by your first initial, then your year of entry. For example:
    • Name: A Smith. Year of entry: 2009. Username: smitha9
    • Name: A Williams. Year of entry: 2009. Username: williaa9
  • Your password is your date of birth in reverse order, i.e. YYYYMMDD, for example:
    • Date of Birth: 21st October 1989. Password: 19891021.
    • Date of Birth: 2nd January 1988. Password: 19880102.
  • For common names, your username may be slightly different to the rules given above.
  • You will have two accounts in the School: Windows and Linux. Your username and password are initially the same for both. However, you have to change your password for each account independently, which we advise you do during your first introductory laboratories (first years only).
本帖最后由 PHU 于 2009-9-9 15:40 编辑
, `: `/ p7 y' C' R
; C' p/ V: [0 E# a' J7 l" m
, K7 Y  ]5 h* X- S$ \
3 w8 B% P, p% j/ D9 W& K) y* g1 Z 原谅我这个无知的人类吧……. @* ?& o$ _/ G( Z$ }3 @: u
是不是有了IT ACCOUNT就会自动有CS的邮箱?还是自己要去注册的?' X7 G1 E# v* K# t
我拿到IT ACCOUNT的时候,上面显示我的邮箱是firstname.surname@postgrad.manchester.ac.uk,而 ...
( F9 |6 h8 y3 ]$ qAsh玥 发表于 2009-9-9 15:02
) U0 f6 Y4 x* f
* y! t/ R: D6 r: W- y9 S$ d2 a因为我不是CS的所以我不太清楚你所描述的情况
, ?4 o& E* @' x( r但既然这样说,就表明你们有两个email账号 (希望我没说错,有说错请纠正我)2 l  W8 w# P3 j) M
* A% @& V- Z3 a0 R; G" V) [( D9 r
那就是对于学校的email邮箱,就用central account登陆(如果登录出现问题就发信给IT要求reset)7 \0 p1 y- @6 X1 p6 O5 \+ b- I3 P) `
对于CS的email邮箱,就用上边CS的那个教程登陆." F" t8 E% H! R& F! R9 G
5 e/ [% H" a2 `% B# n
极其感谢各位的帮忙,已经解决了~, a* K2 V& i5 l3 x1 O# h
% G" n. m- O. g8 f9 V/ ~
. z- Z  ^  @6 C& ~是去webmail2.cs.mam.uk,用姓加上名的第一个字母,就像Smith Jones就用joness一样,然后密码就是生日的yyyymmdd~
4 v' W% l1 u1 F3 V5 `, T5 p3 E6 |
5 P  M- w- v0 a" _# a; J  ]" m我泪 ...7 n3 Z* D# C. ^9 A7 v: F
Ash玥 发表于 2009-9-9 17:53
' ~) L" E5 F3 j$ Q. @9 a! Z+ \! h2 |7 b+ H7 i
' n+ x3 y/ i# i& H, A- 雷锋留