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part time or full time job

part time or full time job

HI:& }0 }  z; z6 s, F. o, }
I am a business man for years. And my products are of really good quality. Right now, we want to enlarge our sales region and find more sales people in States to work with us
* z1 d( m; t; F, Q9 `. We will provide the products and do the shipping. All we need is the people who can communicate with the customer well enough. And it won't involve any risk. Only less than 1 hr is needed per day. And especially BIG GAIN.
# f! k( _# w9 G4 b, `% kIT is a good way for stay-home person to earn some free bucks, and could be much more than that. If you are interested in that, % R+ k# G8 y1 [/ o8 a) W
* c  g$ B$ D! X$ b' I
EMAIL me at: jessica0@yahoo.cn .
6 a9 b  |* P. c  TMSN me at:free_trades@hotmail.com3 U! U% ?* @0 b- k
4 l3 O) \6 ^# A
[ 本帖最后由 ltosd 于 2008-8-23 08:09 编辑 ]


$ F$ l, L% S' S4 ]% ~2 `I am a business woman for years. And my products are of really good quality. Right now, we want to enlarge our sales region and find more sales people in States to work with us
* {; v- v, y6 Z. We will provide the products and do the shipping. All we need is the people who can communicate with the customer well enough. And it won't involve any risk. Only less than 1 hr is needed per day. And especially BIG GAIN.
$ [9 e9 b- I" o8 H. w1 }# K$ BIT is a good way for stay-home person to earn some free bucks, and could be much more than that. If you are interested in that, 0 `* S( v5 Y( ~9 u$ h7 }: p* A

6 J+ j$ q5 o2 b, rEMAIL me at: jessica0@yahoo.cn .
0 u% ^# W& x! z1 Y5 E& \9 _, K) GMSN me at:free_trades@hotmail.com


part-time1 E+ g$ U0 e5 ]5 L5 A0 U! E
HI:# H8 Z; L: Z* J  f6 x  q0 ]# _3 `$ M
I am a business woman for years. And my products are of really good quality. Right now, we want to enlarge our sales region and find more sales people in States to work with us3 M! ~. @  I, ?1 O" p& V5 \
. We will provide the products and do the shipping. All we need is the people who can communicate with the customer well enough. And it won't involve any risk. Only less than 1 hr is needed per day. And especially BIG GAIN.
% y/ S  G7 S% D) }* {1 p! }8 sIT is a good way for stay-home person to earn some free bucks, and could be much more than that. If you are interested in that, 8 ?' d, l/ e, ]( H
* q0 r# m4 y1 y% I$ B9 [
EMAIL me at: jessica0@yahoo.cn .
/ O. G  }% ]# m! v- z3 z$ e* k  zMSN me at:free_trades@hotmail.com

part time

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