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Clinic Manager) E1 V1 w) Y9 y; j
Salary £ 18,000 - £ 20,000
" P8 k3 R  u$ B  |7 \
7 y' J+ h  v% v3 B   We urgently require a clinic manager based in China Town to ensure ; s6 i2 ?3 z! O$ @$ m
the smooth running of the business and maintaining excellent care to & Q$ U$ B; A/ Q
customers." V/ @6 n/ \( {) ]
The ideal candidate must have university qualifications in business or  
4 l8 i% F' {5 P  {: g& vmanagement.  She / he will have a good understanding of traditional
0 X& o! l5 b* {! BChinese medicine, fluent in English and Chinese languages, excellent in * I' ]- R( T# \& _$ Q" [
communication skills, good organisational skills and IT skills.' c. m" `, t/ g

6 t; X0 L( p7 l+ A9 S: tPrevious experience in a Chinese clinic is desirable but not essential.  A8 G) `9 Y7 R* D9 S+ J- C9 h
Main duties include reception, organising client’s appointments, book-
0 T6 j; x2 a% Q) t" C) ukeeping, dispensing Chinese medicine according to the doctor’s + Q4 S" W9 I6 H, U' B$ s& A
prescriptions, supervising and ensure the clinic is kept in  a good order   6 D- S, t3 C8 y, z: g4 M5 C
and offering assistance to the doctor as required.8 P/ v3 X1 e. j# ]6 f  Z8 J
The post holder will work very closely with the Head Office in the overall
' a3 D6 {- q7 z2 q# ybusiness activities of the company, particularly in the promotion of trade.
0 L1 I* z, m/ C- D$ I1 O2 A. mPlease send applications with CV to the following email address:
% Z4 @. F- l0 j/ L- q6 \  ]2 b9 p) wenquiry@shulan.uk.com               & o5 |8 K( \/ a! C( F, i% \5 [
) K$ s  p# a/ F, f4 ?) cFurther enquiries please ring 0161 4481233 ask for Mr Xie 1 J1 n# p+ E' _$ \6 X
5 p& Y( w( I6 v- S& ^1 dClosing date :1st August 2008
MSN/EMAIL: cnmanchester@hotmail.com