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Dear all,
8 u2 }5 W( S2 z( Q# ?* z6 j7 q* d1 x, ?8 D
Huaxia Chinese School (Manchester) is a well established supplementary school, with classes range from beginners to Chinese GCSE, AS and A2 levels.
/ c+ p5 [4 Y- C, X4 E  F$ y: ?
9 n$ K* n' A. B# o" JThe school would like to recruit 2-3 teachers (teaching children aged around 5-8). The job will start on next academic year (sept.2008) and working time will be on each Sunday during term time. The ideal candidate should. h/ T3 _, n0 Y  f

# o# m+ K" W, g1 U  Z7 z- have passion in teaching and love children! D' o2 f9 z; a2 r

8 R; y$ B: W& }- be creative and highly motivated individual* w0 o' g: F& D: s- q6 H" i3 _
0 O4 G) p" v6 [6 L$ i( I
- be enthusiastic in Chinese education and culture5 r& t3 Q1 o) _: Z

7 d, V3 e) W( E( ~+ ?) }9 h4 L* H2 c- possess excellent communication skills
5 X! U* @1 ]+ X: ^9 U$ S( Q2 a. K- s6 \9 S2 ?5 F, w: x0 \1 ]
- be reliable and responsible: N6 X1 d  t" D9 @& C
/ H5 ^( [+ C  j) ^" s" ~4 F
- be fluent in Mandarin with standard pronunciation1 q  E: W9 U$ ^( r7 S4 q

' G+ w# o; t, r: I# W' Q- be capable of verbal communication in English
- y7 ^7 ^1 ]# X+ d
# o) W; p, H/ N5 n8 fPrevious experience in teaching and/or working with children would be an advantage.
. j9 c) v! o9 x! [4 E$ ]$ C
& a7 K- C/ l0 E: M6 nPlease send your CV to Ms TENG Xue (xue.teng@manchester.ac.uk) by Friday 4th July if interested. The interview will be on Sunday 13th July.+ d, ]; h' M+ W

1 c% K0 S! a7 H* |4 y3 u2 [2 r  FPlease also include in your CV your visa status and expire date, and contact details of two referees.% v/ Q9 Q% E: ^  U" U: F

3 P+ [, D- a, I; u3 P" CRegards,8 |+ Q, z9 W% M  c5 X0 `7 d

! e4 f$ u: h) D: ]1 c/ nHuaxia Chinese School Committee# X. ?4 V+ S$ O) V& B4 ~

' e- h  F; `. X, [% R4 Y1 Jwww.huaxiaschool.org.uk
MSN/EMAIL: cnmanchester@hotmail.com