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第一次做法航,请问法航的行李限重多少KG?(买的不是学生票) 在巴黎50分钟转机,还有时间转转免税店么?
6 q2 ?) P8 a  v+ B, J; A
6 m  |9 F0 k0 s! o+ d谢谢啦!!
正常票的行李限重应该是20KG。具体的请你咨询你的售票机构。$ ?6 z  s+ t: f6 _) o, Y/ X
7 ^7 j" f- x" j6 v& @
MSN/EMAIL: cnmanchester@hotmail.com
( i8 X# |. |! d- M8 n# H
1 U3 p2 t1 o  ?7 ]5 S我的票就是转机50分钟,人跑两步50分钟应该差不多,但托运的行李50分钟够么?会不会不能随机走啊?!!?
$ y0 R1 I# c4 X) j# X+ _对于移民和留学生朋友,行李和家具是一个让人非常头痛的问题,让Gateway来帮你吧,一切都能变得更加轻松!Gateway专业从事私人行李物品的运输和国际搬家,海外网络遍布泰国、德国、印度、巴西、菲律宾、越南、土耳其、意大利,国内沿海网络遍布上海、青岛、天津、宁波、深圳,因此能全方位地提供国际性进出口私人物品地运输,让您感受到安心、快捷的服务。  M" o$ M- C$ h
* ]: v" f' {8 e# l/ @1 x: r你需提供的文件:
7 K0 r+ _0 V. G出口/进口:护照复印件、携带物品清单、货值等……
+ {+ ~( A+ W9 p5 p' a0 _- S, R" n联系人:Ms. Becky
- G7 N7 Q5 n. j  ^联系电话:021-525855155 `% F# c7 H7 |- y6 i) X0 ]
E-mail: shanghai005@gateway-group.cn! j. \3 k: m1 _# C: m1 ?1 [

$ s+ M( }8 ^1 ^$ b: T" V
/ h- r, x9 Z2 D0 n# Q& B2 v5 G  ^6 V) E
Personal Belongings & International Moving Importing & Exporting
9 p! H( {( O  q0 n7 QFor immigration and abroad students, luggage and furniture is a headache problem. Gateway can provide professional service of personal luggage and international moving and everything can be more convenient. Gateway has a powerful international network system, it includ: Thailand, Germany, India, Brazil, Philippines, Vietnam, Turkey, Italy and domestic network include: Shanghai, Qingdao, Tianjin, Ningbo, Shenzhen. So Gateway can provide all of the international export & import personal belongings and Moving consignment. All of the shipments can be delivered smoothly.$ e) o! y: J* K8 H: m5 z

+ y2 z( F& \4 v( x4 m8 i* XYou can consignment: book, clothing, digital appliances, furniture, toy and so on., R& t) j" c. F. V$ z$ p+ A* |

3 j5 m: E% u: SDocuments requirements:
" K; F' s5 P0 Y* Q, `/ P) M: ?3 `copy of passport, packing list, value of the goods and so on4 T8 A5 v7 l! M# w% z+ M  S
9 @+ W$ T& t$ k% k- h5 _
Contact person: Ms. Becky
9 C& n" }% |  V; i( c; y  k+ eContact telephone: 021-52585515
) v  `1 @. Z( K- b1 s5 uE-mail: shanghai005@gateway-group.cn
' ?& f' U9 e4 e0 J优惠活动:现在从上海到新加坡的私人物品运输,每个立方只需700元,最低3立方起运。
( G$ \' Q, t- x8 l联系电话:021-51756395' ~* g" _. I" M% _
" x1 q( H/ G; n6 w! Z% H+ t
[ 本帖最后由 gateway-group 于 2009-6-19 10:56 编辑 ]