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Male manager assistant wanted in central Manchester

Male manager assistant wanted in central Manchester

Male manager assistant wanted in central Manchester- C' w$ B; d) v5 ?( W. m& o6 P  {9 c: @
! f) q9 @2 ^2 T+ e; J
Monday to Friday Full Time
: K! T  W+ ]. b. w2 j+ I' @0 f+ ^0 ]" j+ ~* t9 y
Duties: Sales and admin; z( h0 S; [% ~6 c" ^4 W5 T

7 o! Y' ^; {' `" F: K7 DRequirements:7 F8 U3 w2 F1 v/ Y# `7 c3 M
Hard working
9 |" Y5 b/ T9 N% pNot frighten of long hours
# s. R" Q4 k" I6 I* sSmart appearance
. x! n" F! A# D0 c  I! DVery good (oral and writing) English6 _) [2 Y6 B/ Q% V

& M5 h- o- h% Q! b# ~  `% `# w- a  AIf interesting, please email your CV to Tracy@dutyfreeclothing.co.uk$ k' A& w; u- [& e0 _9 w( A1 \* A

& v- S& }* {9 s% ZWish to know more about our company, please go to: http://dutyfreeclothing.co.uk* k; n0 j0 K2 X1 ^! O- h7 x, W) I

3 W( \* q. Z2 n- K9 f0 BClosing date: 15th June 2008) g' m* }) c4 Y' X
/ D4 n0 U$ L/ A' @0 q1 X2 C8 d
[ 本帖最后由 ufo32001 于 2008-5-27 14:54 编辑 ]