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话说有没人想开车去比斯特的特卖丫?寻拼车% p# [1 @5 z; s6 B: A4 ~
你们几个人去 留个电话联系!07723760669
. O/ o6 v* w8 J3 A& h( K1 o5 NGG_GG_ 发表于 2009-12-14 10:16
0 y2 k# m# H- P4 v  u6 Q

( P% B5 H/ s3 ]! r7 b+ F$ |啥时候能有好东西啊
7# quattro " x1 P8 ^1 \( q- t

8 p( \# O7 O" @* c/ t0 W对啊  啥时候有好东西啊     这些点子必须踩踩
去过就后悔啦,大老远开车累都累死啦,来回6个小时,不如去chester那的,名字忘记了,POST CODE是CH65 9LA,东西挺不错的,比  比斯特的好
去比斯特就那个GUCCI有吸引力..折打的猛。如果楼主对这个牌子没兴趣,还是建议去chester的Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet
6 Y8 h, O0 H" o6 A* P) A" h0 A3 x, p6 I9 [" l8 ~
Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet:
" @2 ]+ W4 s  o9 q% i# ~( f( HKinsey Road, Ellesmere Port,
' |+ ~  ?3 ?3 a7 H3 H5 W1 QSouth Wirral, CH65 9JJ, United Kingdom! z" y' \% Y* e/ ~! a+ Y. f
Telephone: +44 (0) 151 348 56008 z# C) q1 N6 L$ z; y) H

4 }2 a. R; Y$ J3 W, K! g/ |4 Z3 D, f1 V, P. M4 J
火车路线请参考! r9 @. a( L" V( t& T# R( ?
Ellesmere Port and Chester Railway Stations are closest to the designer outlet and are approximately 5-15 minutes away. Regular services operated by Merseyrail run between Liverpool Central and Ellesmere Port. From Chester Railway Station catch the No. 4 bus. For times and fares see Merseyrail.org. National Rail Enquiries, Telephone +44 (0) 8457 48 49 50.3 Y3 y8 S$ e+ p# E6 _. y0 U4 R5 C

6 `3 b0 i0 ^0 ]$ }4 f) S  B汽车路线请参考:% h5 O( B9 e5 U7 h
Buses operated by First Bus run services via Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet. The No. 1 bus runs between Chester and Liverpool, Monday to Saturday and a limited service on Sunday. The No. 36 and the No.111 also run via the Outlet. Please contact First Bus for more details. Telephone +44 (0) 1782 592500, Customer Services +44 (0) 8708 500 868